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Can a Firearm be Registered in Two Names?

Posted by Jessica Koenes on Nov 26th 2021

Can a firearm be registered in two names? Is it possible to register a firearm in two names?

When & why would you want to do this? Is registration handled by the Fed or State & what about NFA or Class III guns?

The Question at Hand

Registration regulations change depending on which state you live in. A question was brought up the other day that posed an interesting discussion. Can my wife register for the same gun that I am registered to? This is a dilemma that I had not previously considered, but it does bring to light a topic that those who are in the process of marrying may need to consider. There are loads of documents that need to get in order for the name change, will change, and setting up a future when getting married. But is it possible for two people to be registered to one gun?

The Question at Hand

Colt by mwewering from Pixabay

Registration of Firearm

The first part we need to look into is registration. If you are new to owning a firearm, registration can seem like a hazy topic. The reason why there may be confusion regarding registration of a firearm is because different states have different registration requirements.

Let’s look at the registration requirements in each state:

Firearm Registration Requirements
Alaska Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Arizona Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Arkansas Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
California Registration Required for Assault Weapons and .50 Caliber Rifles
Colorado Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Connecticut Registration Required for Assault Weapons and Large Capacity Magazines
Delaware Firearm Registries are Prohibited
District of Columbia Registration for ALL Firearms Required
Florida Firearm Registries are Prohibited
Georgia Firearm Registries are Prohibited
Hawaii Registration for ALL Firearms Required
Idaho Firearm Registries are Prohibited
Illinois Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Indiana Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Iowa Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Kansas Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Kentucky Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Louisiana Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Maine Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Maryland Required Registration for Assault Pistols
Massachusetts Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Michigan Local License and Entry into Pistol Database Required
Minnesota Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Mississippi Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Missouri Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Montana Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Nebraska Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Nevada Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
New Hampshire Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
New Jersey Required Registration for Assault Weapons
New Mexico Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
New York Registration Required for Assault Weapons and Handguns
North Carolina Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
North Dakota Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Ohio Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Oklahoma Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Oregon Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Pennsylvania Firearm Registries are Prohibited
Rhode Island Firearm Registries are Prohibited
South Carolina Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
South Dakota Firearm Registries are Prohibited
Tennessee Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Texas Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Utah Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Vermont Firearm Registries are Prohibited
Virgina Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Washington Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
West Virginia Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Wisconsin Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries
Wyoming Do not Require or Prohibit Firearm Registries

Should you be Aware of Dual Ownership?

Some states choose to have registration requirements. Registering your firearms can be a hassle, but the thought is that having a registration system in place could potentially help minimize illegal gun activity while encouraging responsible gun practices.

If you are one of the lucky states that does not require firearm registration, then this whole article does not pertain to you. You do not have to concern yourself with dual gun registration seeing as registration is not a requirement.

There are some individuals who are legally not allowed to own a firearm and sharing ownership is illegal, regardless of registration regulations. If you are considering sharing your gun, consider the difference between ownership and possession of a firearm.

Owning a Firearm

Guns by premiumadz13 from Pixabay

Owning a Firearm

Consider ownership of your firearm as the same as owning and buying your property: Yes, there are still home ownership laws that must be followed, but the land is your and the property is yours. Possession is more like renting. You are in possession of the place, but it is not yours and there are even other rules and regulations for renting.

Ownership vs possession is similar for firearms: You are most likely looking to allow someone possession of your firearm opposed to giving over the ownership. There are regulations you will need to comply with if you are in a state without registrations, but still are looking to let someone else take possession of your gun.

Class III firearms are a whole different matter: If you are in possession of a class three firearm/title two firearms, do your research and handle that responsibility with care.

State with Firearm Registrations

If you are in a state with registration requirements, you will need to look up your specific state laws. Contact an attorney and make sure you are complying with your state regulations. Each state is different and you will want to make sure you have the most up to date information concerning registration.
